Monday, April 5, 2010

And so I enter the world of blogging...

...with some trepedation.  "Displaced Southern Mama" is the name my lovely daughter came up with, and it's pretty apt...born and raised in the mountains of North Carolina, I've been living in southern New Hampshire for 15 years now.  I haven't lost all my Southern, though, and I expect I never will. 

My daughter has a blog of her own ( ) and you should read it as well.  She makes me laugh on a regular basis.

I'm not sure yet what I'm going to blog about, but I'm sure there's going to be some reality tv (because I'm obsessed with it), some cooking (because I love to), some thoughts on my pet peeves (I have many), and other things that might either slightly amuse or bore to tears.

If you've found me, welcome!


  1. Welcome to blogging! I read your daughter's blog! I live in NH too. I look forward to reading your blog!

  2. Thanks, Cari! We will see how this goes:)
